Brookside High Prom Bulletin

Welcome to Brookside High's official blog!

This is THE place to experience student life at our school. Because this isn't just a place for me to express MY point of view - Brookside students and faculty also get a chance to post Tweets, texts and videos of their own.

Think of it as our school's living yearbook. Don't forget to subscribe! This is one club you're going to want to be a part of.

- Nova Prescott, moderator


So how did you guys meet?
Tyler:  She was lookin’ at me.  I mean, they’re always looking.
Jordan:  I glanced over…
Tyler:  And so, I told my crew, “check it.”  Walked up, smiled and that’s that!
Jordan:  Um…  You pestered me for weeks.  I finally gave in.
Tyler:  Shhhh, baby girl. You’ll give away the mystery.

What’s your favorite part of your relationship?
Jordan: I like when it’s just us.
Tyler:  For me, it’s the way people look at us. They know what’s up.

What’s in your future?
Jordan:  College. Visiting Tyler on the weekends!
Tyler:  Next year’s so far away, baby.  Let’s deal with it when we deal with it…  When the time comes.

Are you going to Prom?
Jordan: Definitely. This is the night I have always dreamed of, ever since I was a little girl. I’m so excited to walk in the door with Tyler.
Tyler:  Everyone is gonna be in awe of us.  There have been prom kings and queens, but when we win - and we will win – it’s gonna be the stuff of Brookside legends for years to come . .

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POSTED BY Prom Bulletin @ 12:16 PM on Thursday, March 24, 2011