Brookside High Prom Bulletin

Welcome to Brookside High's official blog!

This is THE place to experience student life at our school. Because this isn't just a place for me to express MY point of view - Brookside students and faculty also get a chance to post Tweets, texts and videos of their own.

Think of it as our school's living yearbook. Don't forget to subscribe! This is one club you're going to want to be a part of.

- Nova Prescott, moderator


I can already tell this week is going to be crazy.

After a break, the teachers are always ready to work, which isn’t exactly ideal . . . I was kind of hoping this week’s work would slide by, because this week Prom committee is really getting into gear. We have big plans here at Brookside High.

Instead of hiring some stranger to do stuff, we’re turning to the students to make this Prom our Prom – from the posters to the decorations to the photos to the food, Brookside students will have their hands all over this Prom!

Wait, that sounded gross. They’re definitely going to wash their hands first.

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POSTED BY Nova @ 10:24 AM on Tuesday, February 22, 2011