Brookside High Prom Bulletin

Welcome to Brookside High's official blog!

This is THE place to experience student life at our school. Because this isn't just a place for me to express MY point of view - Brookside students and faculty also get a chance to post Tweets, texts and videos of their own.

Think of it as our school's living yearbook. Don't forget to subscribe! This is one club you're going to want to be a part of.

- Nova Prescott, moderator



“Study dates? For success? Body spray. Her mind will be thinking about Ethan Frome, But her nose? Thinking about you.”
- Max King, senior

“Study dates are for studying. At least that’s what my mom told me.”
- Chelsea McCoy, freshman

“I am the queen of study dates. Start off in a group. Lay the groundwork, and then split off into partners to do more in-depth study. Never fails.”
- Michele Murray, junior

“What? Study dates? Are those real things that happen?”
- Steven Jones, junior

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POSTED BY Prom Bulletin @ 12:10 PM on Tuesday, February 22, 2011