Brookside High Prom Bulletin

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- Nova Prescott, moderator


1)    Like Christmas, it only happens once a year.

2)    Asking someone to Prom is the scariest thing you will ever do. Unless you fight a bear.

3)    A stretch Hummer with a hot tub doesn’t scream “class” – it screams “I don’t know how to spend my parents’ money”.

4)    You’re going to wind up dancing to that one song that you pretend that you hate.

5)    If you take a bad Prom photo, don’t worry too much. It’s too late to make the yearbook anyway.

6)    Going to Prom ‘ironically’ still counts as going to Prom.

7)    Some couples will remember this as their first date. Even more will remember it as their last one.

8)    Dreams come true at Prom. Maybe not your dream of winning Prom King or Queen, but other dreams.

9)    Tux. Fancy dress. Limos. It’s like your wedding, but with 0% chance of you receiving a stupid toaster.

10) You will see a teacher dance and wish that you could bleach your brain.

11) A “Thriller” request SEEMS like a good idea, but when the 3min Dracula monologue hits you’re gonna get dirty looks.

12) Only one guy can pull off that top-hat-white-glove-pocket-watch-and-cane look and he’s busy being on the Monopoly box.

13) Tonight is not the night to find out that she’s allergic to shellfish.

14) You’ll notice an attractive someone you’ve never noticed before. Hide this from your date.

15) Just because the tux shop offers a vest printed with chili peppers, doesn’t mean you should rent it.

16) The dress you choose won’t matter as much as the date you choose.

17) When someone threatens to wear something ridiculous to Prom, there’s about an 85% chance that they’ll chicken out.

18) It’s not a noteworthy Prom unless someone receives disciplinary action.

19) That fancy outfit you spent so much money on? At the end of the night, you’re never going to want to touch it again.

20) Don't let your ex find out where you made dinner reservations unless you're ready for cross-table stare-downs.

21) Underclassmen: Find a senior couple. Swap dates for Prom entry. Just be sure they give your dates back once you're in.

22) Pace yourself. Don't use your best dance moves at the beginning of the battle. Save the sweet stuff for the KO.

23) Someone is going to forget the corsage. It’ll seem like a bigger deal than it is.

24) An all-white tux is just asking for stains.

25) You know who didn’t have a Prom date? Albert Einstein. Ignore the fact that Prom didn’t exist yet. Feel inspired.

26) It's weird when you bring your date from another high school. Fish in your own pond.

27) The girl who wears cat sweaters is going to have cat hair on her Prom dress.

28) Dining as a group? Bring cash and prepare to do math.

29) The Freshman who’s there with a senior will be Prom King or Queen someday

30) Arriving at Prom in a horse-drawn carriage sounds extra-romantic, but you’re probably not considering the smell.

31) White tie = acceptable. White socks = not acceptable.

32) Skimping on a corsage due to “environmental concerns” is a dicey proposition at best.

33) Great Prom memories last a lifetime. Bad ones get talked about FOREVER.

34) If your dad wears a dark suit and opens your door when he drops you off, the minivan could be confused for a limo.

35) It’s fun to take pictures with cameras left on the table. Just remember, someone else will now have those pictures.

36) You can’t bring the resuscitation doll to Prom. Don’t even bother asking.

37) Always bring pictures to show your hairdresser.  They don't know what "swirly, flippy curls" look like.

38) An orange tuxedo is a good way to get noticed. Like a traffic cone, it says “stay away”.

39) There is no such thing as “fancy” facial hair.

40) Limit the amount of pictures you take in the bathroom mirror with your girls. Because, after a certain point, gross.

41) Dance like no one’s watching. Except they are . . . and kinda staring.

42) No limo? Make sure your date has AC so your hair doesn’t get the wind treatment, unless that’s what you’re going for.

43) Don’t ask your date to teach you how to dance. It ends badly.

44) There are many ways to ask that special girl to Prom, but none of them should involve mice.

45) If you date someone younger than you, you will have to go back to Prom after you graduate and feel like a creepster.

46) Mingle outside your social circle whenever possible. He who bombs the most photos wins.

47) Prom is like a season finale. The rest of the school year feels like a failed spinoff.

48) High-fiving your best friend when your date comes down the stairs in front of her dad is tacky.

49) Going retro? Coordinate, people. If she wears a polka-dot dress and he wears a plaid tux - people will get sick.

50) In Finland, Prom is Vanhojen Tanssit. The words, "Do you want to go to Prom?” don’t seem so difficult now, do they?

51) Watch the tanning bed. Letting the sun shine where it shouldn’t can lead to a night of painful dancing.

52) If someone tells you what “Prom” is short for, there’s about a 50% chance they’re making it up.

53) Your hairstyle immediately goes out of fashion once the Prom photos are taken.

54) If you ask her to dance and she says no, move on. Staring at her while she dances with someone else makes you a lurker.

55) A good game to play is Prom King of the Hill. Steal the Prom King's crown. Run around screaming, ”It’s mine! It's mine!".

56) Growing the corsage for your date in your yard really walks the line between romantic and weird.

57) Never give a guy named “Metal Jerry” a ride to Prom. Unless you want to pay for your dad’s windshield.

58) No one has worn pink velour to Prom since 1982. Whether you see that as advice or challenge says a lot about you.

59) The Prom King and Queen have real legislative power.

60) Get tux insurance. It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. And you’ll probably need it.

61) The word corsage is French. Ask your French teacher what it means.

62) Pretend your date’s dad is a cop. It’s all about “Yes, sir”, “No, sir”, and keeping your hands visible at all times.

63) Arsenic, Bone White, and Moss are all real dress colors. If you don’t say the names, people will think they’re pretty.

64) Guys, think really seriously about that fedora. Then lose it.

65) Don't be afraid to start a dance circle. Do be afraid to start a conga line.

66) You can’t go wrong with sparkles. Unless you have so many you compete with the disco ball. Because that’s wrong.

67) Graduation is about looking forward. Prom is about looking back.

68) Asking multiple girls at the same time “just to be sure” is gross.

69) Spending the whole night with your friends is much better then going with someone you don't really like.

70) If you’re not having fun at Prom, you’re not dancing hard enough.

71) If you’re the kind of couple that talks in baby talk, you should stop that for Prom. And pretty much stop that in general.

72) The night loses steam after the hip-hop dance anthems finish. Hands can only stay in the air for so long.

73) For at least one song, dance with someone other than your date. Let your date do the same. Otherwise, you’re a jerk.

74) Do a “flash” test beforehand to make sure your dress doesn't become see-through once the cameras start popping.

75) She wants a Prom date as much as you do, guy. Just ask her already.

76) This is probably the only date you’ll talk about for the rest of your life – good or bad.

77) Don’t use the word “wallflower” – it makes you sound like a grandma.

78) Consider the big picture at dinner. Garlic, onions, hot sauce, tuna fish are not really going to set you up for romance.

79) Don’t sweat the small stuff. Because there’s a lot of stuff and being really sweaty is nasty.

80) Guys, remember: Like your wedding day, It's all about her. But don't say that because you'll terrify her.

81) Girls, use the restroom before you get your dress on. After that, it could be a two-person job and no one wants that.

82) The first person that mentions any kind of upcoming tests or homework loses Prom.

83) If you walk in and say, “Now this party can start!” – everyone else will think to themselves, “Yes, start to suck”.

84)Your bike is not acceptable transportation. Yes, even if it has spinners.

85) This is a great night to hit Mom or Dad up for some cash. You look your best and they’re at their most vulnerable.

86) Don’t sing while slow dancing. Unless you’re R. Kelly, it’s creepy. If you are R. Kelly, it’s WAY CREEPY.

87)You won’t remember your Prom King but you’ll remember the guy who threw a temper tantrum because he wasn’t Prom King.

88) In a group photo situation, someone will ask to take “a crazy one" - just wave your hands and open your mouth.

89)If you’re ordering Italian, skip the spaghetti. Tonight, at least, you can make it classier than two cartoon dogs.

90) The only thing impressive about asking someone to Prom while belching is if she says, “Yes” – which she won’t.

91) Pack band-aids in your purse. You’ll get blisters from dancing in your new high heels. If you’re doing it right.

92)On the dance floor, keep yourself in between “Sweating in full tux” and “Showing off your sweaty white undershirt”

93)If she's taller than you, give the photographer $20 to shoot the picture from the waist up and stand on a chair.

94) Don’t bring props for your Prom photo. Instant department store vibe.

95) Think you can pull off the fast-food drive-thru? She’s either got to like you a LOT or you’d better have one sweet limo.

96) Someone’s going to spend the whole night crying in the bathroom. Don’t be that person.

97) The most forgettable Prom theme is ‘A Night To Remember’.

98) Look around. The next time you party with these people, it’ll be your 10-year reunion. And they’ll all be fat.

99) You'll never look at the school gymnasium the same again.

100)               The song "Save The Last Dance For Me" exists for a reason.  It's NOT just another dance.  Make it count.

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POSTED BY Prom Bulletin @ 8:39 AM on Friday, April 29, 2011